The rhymes are free of the lyrical gymnastics of his early work, but that compression helps stories of bonding with his mother, losing his father, and finding solace within New York’s current underground scene stick in more lasting ways. All three of his personas-Earl the rapper, Thebe the man, and randomblackdude the producer-receive vindication in ways both poignant and hilarious, sometimes all at once. He draws his personal curtain back further than ever on his third studio album Some Rap Songs. These beautifully hazy stories are often undercut by homophobia that comes across more harshly given the project’s swift, 33-minute runtime, but at its best, Behold a Dark Horse is just another gleaming stone in the closed fist of the Infinity Gauntlet crafted by Hempstead’s finest. - Dylan Green 46. 03 Greedo - God LevelĮarl Sweatshirt knows how hard it is to be open-to loved ones, to fans, to your own brain-when being closed off is much easier. Marci compares himself to “ Huey Newton sitting in the king’s wicker chair” the same way that most other rappers namedrop jewelers, self-mythologizing as the next chapter in Eat, Pray, Thug. The second of those projects- Behold a Dark Horse-is brash and thrillingly cinematic in ways that only the best blacktop pimps can be. So naturally, he released four projects in 2018, keeping the steel sharp and the streets flooded. The lane he helped carve for traditionally-minded NY rappers in the late aughts has grown crowded over the years, and Marcberg ran the risk of being drowned out in the clatter.

If a new comment is published from a "banned" user or contains a blacklisted word, this comment will automatically have limited visibility (the "banned" user's comments will only be visible to the user and the user's Facebook friends).Roc Maci runs in the shadows the way the rest of us walk the street to get to work.

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"Dust", which was recorded during same sessions as 2015's "Cauterize", features Tremonti on vocals/guitars, Eric Friedman on guitars, Wolfgang Van Halen on bass and Garrett Whitlock on drums. TREMONTI's third album, "Dust", was released in April 2016 via Fret 12. It's either he's playing bass in somebody else's band or he's singing and playing bass and drums and everything in his own project right now, and I'm sure he's going to want to put all his efforts into promoting that." Mark also said that it was unlikely VAN HALEN bassist Wolfgang Van Halen would return to TREMONTI for the new album sessions. Have one be more atmospheric in music, acoustic, real melodic and have the other one be straight-up heavy." You know, I don't want to get trapped into having to do heavy records all the time, because it's something I really wanted to get out with the solo project - the heavier side of my writing - but I don't want to completely abandon some of the melodic atmospheres of stuff, so I might want to do just like I did the last time, do two albums and have two different sounds. "After this tour is over, I'm going to have the guys come to town and start writing and just kind of pick our moments to keep writing and probably get a record out next year," he said.Īsked if he had any kind of sound or direction in mind for the next TREMONTI album, Mark said: "In a perfect world, I want to kind of split it up. ALTER BRIDGE guitarist Mark Tremonti has told All That Shreds that he is preparing to begin work on the fourth album from his TREMONTI solo project.